Maggie Ndagire Senior Operations Manager

Maggie Ndagire is the Senior Operations Manager responsible for monitoring and learning. She conducts the monitoring and evaluation of the Organization’s activities, projects and programs in Kampala and is responsible for the day-to-day and periodic assessment and documenting of the progress of the implementation of the WACENA mission. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from Makerere University in Secondary Education and Computer Programming. Maggie is a co-Founder of WACENA who believes strongly in in women and girls’ empowerment at all fronts. As a young visionary woman, her dream is to support and inspire activism in her immediate surroundings by fostering the values of non-violence, respect and non-discrimination at every opportunity. She is also a mother of four and loves children.

Joan Nansubuga, Bookkeeper & Skills Trainer

Joan Nansubuga serves as our Bookkeeper and Skills Trainer responsible for teaching tailoring, fashion design and small business management, including financial skills development and business and personal credit & savings management. Being a graduate of Fashion and Design, Joan has passion in training and mentoring teens and teen mothers under our Empowerment Program. She is also a trained and qualified business administrator. Since completing her recent studies from Mutesa I Royal University in 2022, Joan continues to be a core staff member to count on in the WACENA family. By early 2024, she will also start co-facilitating and counseling the victims of human trafficking, rape and gender based violence at the organization’s rehabilitation center. In her home church she serves as a worship singer and prayer support member.

Chrisine Namalwa is the Media and Counseling Director organizing regular small group-conferences for women leaders in the rural Uganda including the unemployment child-mothers in urban centers who are greatly marginalized. She works with other team members to plan and implement the national multimedia campaign and is responsible for running the Radio and TV campaigns, managing media campaign databases, and tracking various media campaign activities. She is engaged in advocacy, raising awareness and mobilizing communities. Christine holds a BA with Education and a Certificate in Counseling from Makerere University. She has worked before several High Schools teaching History, Luganda and Economics. She is inspired by her family to promote values of respect across humanity and has a soft spot in her heart for women and children.

Benedict Wandera is a Teacher and Entrepreneurial Skills Trainer leading educational curriculum matters in interpretation and execution of programs such as Gender Equality, Bloom and Flourish and extending to the various schools in Uganda that partner with WACENA across the country. Benedict comes from Kyambogo University and before joining WACENA in 2020 had served as a teacher in various schools for over 10 years. His entrepreneurial experience continues to add value to WACENA projects that empower women economically and socially. Because of his unique skills, traits and talents, Benedict is one of the only two male staff members to serve in the history of WACENA. He is also considered an ardent advocate for children.

Mary Nambi is our Executive Director for Women’s and Children’s Rights (WCR), with extensive experience in working with communities, institutions and policy makers to prioritize violence prevention in Uganda. Mary is responsible for all program oversight for WCR work. She brings six years of leadership experience in activism for promoting women’s rights in Uganda, with special skills in community mobilization for prevention of violence against women. She is pro-active and bears a track record of mentoring willing individuals into ‘Active Activists’ who stand up and act to prevent violence against women in their own relationships and communities. Mary adds beauty with work and love for children in her determined spirit and disciplined exercise regime. She is also a teacher by profession from Kyambogo University.